
Diablo 2 cinematics act 4 sound
Diablo 2 cinematics act 4 sound

diablo 2 cinematics act 4 sound

After this event, the hero is rapidly corrupted by Diablo and slowly loses control of Diablo's soul. the player character of the first game) drives the soulstone of Diablo (a magical stone containing the soul of a demon or angel) into his own head in an attempt to contain Diablo in his own body. At the end of Diablo, Diablo, Lord of Terror was defeated by a mortal hero.

diablo 2 cinematics act 4 sound

The story of Diablo II takes place soon after the end of the original Diablo. The main production roles were handled by Matthew Householder and Bill Roper.Īn expansion, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, was released in 2001.ĭiablo II: Resurrected Review - Pile Of Old Bones The game was conceptualized and designed by Stieg Hedlund, along with Blizzard North founders David Brevik, Max and Erich Schaefer acting as project heads for the other disciplines.

diablo 2 cinematics act 4 sound

Diablo II may be played as a single-player game, multi-player via a LAN, or multi-player via, with the last option being the most popular one. Major factors that contributed to Diablo II's success include what fans found to be addictive hack-and-slash gameplay and free access to. Diablo II was developed by Blizzard North.īy April 2001, Diablo II had become one of the most popular online games of all time. After the Stress Test in spring 2000, it was released for both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS in the summer 2000 by Blizzard Entertainment. G3 processor or equivalent, System 8.1 or later, 64 MB RAM plus Virtual Memory, 650MB drive space, 4X CD-ROM drive, 256 color display at 800圆00 resolutionĢ33 MHz Pentium or better, 32 MB RAM, 650 MB drive space, 4X CD-ROM drive, DirectX compatible video cardĭiablo II, the sequel to the popular game Diablo, is a dark, fantasy-themed action role-playing game in a hack-and-slash or "dungeon roaming" style. (src) Diablo IIĪction role-playing game (hack and slash)ģ CD-ROMs (Play, Install, and Cinematics discs) The Dark Wanderer narrating the cinematic trailer.

Diablo 2 cinematics act 4 sound